Hi all!
First of all, Happy GrandParents Day to all my Grandparents! Who hooooo! Pa Pa, Pappo & Grammy Mona, Grandma & Grandpa Williams, VoPair & Vone, and Vozilda.
Um beijo grande aos meus avos!!!! =o) Feliz Dia dos Avos!xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
Well, lots of things have happened the last few days. One, I don't know if we mentioned here or not, but I have 7 teeth now! I have 5 on top (including my molars!!!) and still 2 on the bottom!
This weekend we went to this cool park, it is actually an indoors place for birthday parties, with all kinds of activities for children, but on the weekdays, you can go even if there is not a party. It was super mega cool!
Yesterday we went to Barnes & Noble, the bookstore and, oh boy, I love books! I cried real bad when we had to leave for my diaper change! I love reading all the books, specially the ones of Elmo (Momo). My Dad, yesterday, filled up Yolk's pool, but I could not resist it! Had to go in for a splash! hahaha
I will post some pictures now!
With love,