Wow! It's been a long time since we have last added something here. We have been busy. Thomas turned one on Oct26th and we had a Halloween party for him. It was a lot of fun. He had some friends over, also Pappo, GrandMona, GrandMa & Aunt Rayna. Thanks everyone for taking the trip down here to celebrate with Thomas. We did webcam with my Dad (thanks Pappo!) and talked on the phone with my family. Thomas was dressed as Sebastian, the Little Mermaid crab, and Bianca as JoJo (from Jojo's Circus - Disney). They were very, very cute. Our friends at the party were: Hope, Daniel, Liliane, William & Kaylee - she was just 2 weeks old. We are very happy that they were able to come. Thank you. =o) We had some interesting snacks, such as sausage toes, rotten teeth apples, haha, and other things. Listened to the Doodlebops and had a wonderful time. We celebrated on the 27th (Sat), and then on the 31st it was Halloween and we did Trick or Treat in our neighborhood. GrandMa was a fortune teller, Aunt Rayna was an ... lets say ... super ancient lady haha, I was a witch and Abram was ... we don't know yet. hahaha.
Ah, also in October it was my brother's Guilherme birthday. Happy Birthday!!!! =O)
Other big news is that Thomas started walking during his party! Cool uh?! Now he is great at it.
He's gotten 3 teeth now and he says one word I guess .. I say 'oi thomas tudo bem - how are you?' he says "ta, ta, ta" meaning he is well. haha. Bianca is great. She is talking like a politician and she loves to dance and sing, specially the Doodblebops. She still loves Dora a lot and other cartoons too. She also enjoys drawing a lot, pushing Thomas away, playing with her old new kitchen hehe and cooking with me. I just love seeing how big they are getting and how much fun it is the day by day routine, watching them grow. Thomas likes looking at books and, more than anything, he loves his airplane. Oh boy! He will walk holding onto that for a long time. Sometimes even pushing Bianca.
Well, I guess that is it for now. We are very excited about going to see our family in Brasil soon. Probably next post will be from there =O) We just cannot wait to see everybody. I am so anxious for them to see Bianca and Thomas. Oh my! We will be thinking about our family here while we are there, wishing that everybody could be together, but we won't complain, because we are very fortunate to have and see everybody, at least sometimes.
Have a great day everyone. Thanks for taking the time to read it.