Today something really beautiful happened.
We were putting Bianca and Thomas to bed, Abram holding Thomas and I was sitting with Bianca reading for her when I waved bye-bye to Thomas, and, so unexpected, he waved back to me. He raised his little hand and closed and opened it twice. Sooooooooooooo cute! He is 8 months old now and this was the first time this has happened. Can't wait for him to do it again. We tried for Abram to see, but he wouldn't do it. Just for Mommy. =o)
Bianca is doing great. She counts her numbers, many times all the way to 10, then she says eleven, thirteen, and lots of teens haha, even in Portuguese sometimes. She says her ABC's (she can say until G, then she kind of sings the letters mixed up), she loves to sing and her favorite TV shows now are: Caillou, It is a big world and she still likes the Doodlbebops a lot. Also, Baby Einstein. Cocorico sometimes now. She loves singing along when her shows are on. She also enjoys a lot her CD that Regiane's aunt gave her, with childrens song in Portuguese. Many times she will lay on the floor and draw (which she loves now) listening to her muk (music).
Thanks for reading!
Have a great weekend.