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Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Dia da Avó.
Weekend in LA.

Hi everyone!
What a wonderful weekend we had! We went to visit the family in LA.
Thomas met Papa for the first time. We got to see Aunt Pat and Aunt Susan, which was super cool. Even got some gifts! Thank you! =o) Also, we saw Emmy, Sam and Benet, our cousins. Went to Pappo's house where we got to spend time with GrandMona, visited Aunt Rayna's new place, where Uncle Tony wanted us to beleive that fuschia is the same as pink. And even visited Neil and Donna, where Bianca got to sing a little bit in his DogHouse.
We stayed at Papa's house and he made ice-cream for everybody. It was d.e.l.i.c.i.o.u.s =o)
We wish we didn't live so far away, so we could see them often. It took us almost 8 hours to get back, but thank God, we made it. Soon we will visit GrandMa and K-Pa in AR. And then, maybe next year, we will visit our family in Brazil. That would be great if there was some kind of transportation that would put us at everyone's house in about 1 hour or so =o)

Pics coming soon.
Bianca & Thomas.

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Hi everybody!
Here is Thomas! I just want to say that I have two teeth now! Uh huuuuuuuuuuuuu. They are about 7 days old or so. I love having them! They are very useful and I look better, I think. =o)
See this funny picture of my sister feeding me. She had a lot of fun and me too! Then, there is a picture of Bianca and her favorite TV show. Caillou! Ahhh, the one of me and the basket, Bianca loves doing that to me =o/ She will see when I am bigger! hahaha
Have a great Sunday!
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Acidente da Tam.
Nossos mais sinceros votos de paz às famílias dos passageiros e demais vítimas do acidente de ontem, da Tam em Congonhas. Cada vez que se vê um acidente aéreo, a tristeza é tão profunda, que não se pode expressar em palavras. Podemos, sim, dedicar nossas orações, nossos pensamentos às pessoas que estavam no avião, ao piloto e co-piloto, que certamente fizeram o melhor que puderam para evitar isso, às pessoas que morreram no prédio, a todos que presenciaram, que tenham paz, que tenham felicidade onde estão. Que as pessoas envolvidas busquem em Deus a paz necessária para continuar. Força aos que estão trabalhando nos resgates.
Monday, July 16, 2007
Super cool weekend! =o)
Hello everybody!
Today is Monday and we had a wonderful weekend!
Papo, Aunt Rayna and Uncle Tony were here visiting us.
We went to the museum, to the pizzaria, to the ice cream shop and we had A LOT OF FUN in the backyard.
We just loved having them here. We really wish we could see our family more often =o/
Thanks Papo, Aunt Rayna & Uncle Tony for coming, for our gifts, for playing with us and for everything else.
Please come back soon! Hope we get to see GrandMona next time and we miss seeing Papa, too.
Bianca & Thomas.
Monday, July 09, 2007
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