Hi everyone!! We know, we know, it's been forever since we last wrote in here, but we are back now! Wow! Thomas is gonna be one year old in 4 days! He will have a costume party. Actually, a Halloween party! We wanted to do just costume and not halloween, but the halloween plates and cups were soooo cute hehehe. We will post pictures after the party. We are so happy to know that some friends will come, Aunt Rayna, GrandMa, Pappo & GrandMona. Of course we wish everybody could come, but of course it is not possible, so we may have some webcam section with VovĂ´. =o) We love seeing the Halloween decorations in our neighborhood. So people really get into it. hahaha We have some things up, including the Christmas tree with litthe ghosts, pumpkins and spiders (all plastic cups haha). We will have to check the sales after Halloween for some more things for next year. =o)
We went to a Pumpkin patch a few days ago. It was a lot of fun, and a lot of pumpkins hahaha.
Also, we want to send a big hug to our Tio Guilherme, who turned 28 on Oct11th. Te amamos!
Beijos para todos.