Hi everyone!
We hope everybody is having a great year!
Here things are going well.
Thomas is now 15 months old and Bianca will be 3yo in May.
She is taking gymnastics classes, she has had 3 so far. She loooooves it. Specially the trampoline. I stay with her during her class. It will be this way until she turns 3, when she can 'go alone' hehe.
She has started potty training and is, lets say, 70% there hehe. We don't know if she asks to go because she wants to or because she just wants her prize hahaha, chocolate! She says a lot of different and new things now. She has been calling me 'Mom' now, so cute, not Mommy, not Juicy, just 'Moooooooooooooooooooooooom' hahaha. Oh, yeah, Hannah Montana. She loves her. Poses, dances, sings like her. Very, very cute.
Thomas is almost running. He got a haircut (his second), last Saturday. Now it is really short. He looks very different, but adorable. Yesterday he started giving me kisses. And also he will kiss the stuffed lion Vanessa gave to him. But not Daddy hahaha. He even makes the little noise 'smack'. He loves playing with his toys and the super favorite, our Florianopolis chair. He (and Bianca too) will swing in it several times a day. Now he likes going to the park, too. And gets upset when we come back home.
Last Saturday, for the first time, we left the kids under the care of somebody that is not family. We took them to a childcare center for 3 hours while we were doing our taxes. It was weird, but the place seems to be like a very reliable one. We don't plan on doing that often though. They seemed to like it, well Thomas was crying when we arrived, but probably because he had woken up and we were not around. Bianca told us the things she had done and seemed happy with this new 'school', as we called it.
A special note goes to my sister Bruna:
"Congratulations! We wish you the best in the next 4 years. Well, we do always hehe. =O)"
She has just entered the University in Sao Paulo. When she is done, in 4 years, she will become a Portuguese and French teacher. We are very proud of her, because to join this University, since it is one of the few ones that are free, you have to go through a 3day test, and do really, really well. This is the second time she takes the test, and we were so happy to learn the news. Uh huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu! =o)
Well, that is it for now.
Have a wonderful week.