Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Friday, December 26, 2008
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Merry Christmas! Feliz Natal!

Hello everybody!
We hope you had a wonderful Christmas.
Things here went well. With yummy food, gifts from Santa and from family, and lots of music.
I think this is the first Christmas we spent away from our families and it was ... hmmm good and weird. We enjoyed being able to do our own thing, but we certainly missed being with our familes.
Anyway, here are some pictures and videos to share the things we did and if you have some pictures, please send them too!!!!
It was funny seeing how Thomas still doesn't really understand getting a gift, opening it, etc. He got his little M&Ms at the beginning and that was almost all he cared about. hehe. Now, Bianca, on the other hand, wanted to open every single gift! Thanks everybody for sending them. Thank you for thinking of us during your Christmas celebrations.
Oi a todos!!!
Como foram de Natal? Aqui foi tudo bem. Comemos coisas bem gostosas: peru, maionese (eu mesma fiz a maionese!!!), arroz com ervilha e milho, vagem, batatas com queijo e um bolo de pao-de-mel muito, modestia a parte hehe, bonito e gostoso! O peru ficou incrivelmente gostoso! Temperei bem e o assamos virado pra baixo, pra concentrar o liquido no peito. Ficou realmente bem suculento. Enfim, tanto o Abram quanto eu ficamos muito felizes com nossa ceia. Simples e deliciosa. Nao da pra ser melhor! =o)
Abrimos os presentes hoje de manha e o Thomas realmente ainda nao liga muito, ja a Bianca queria abrir todos! O Thomas ficou feliz com os M&Ms que ele ganhou no comeco da festa e se distraiu com elas ate o fim praticamente.
Tivemos um Natal tranquilo e gostoso, porem sentimos muitas saudades da familia. O ano passado estavamos ai e foi bem alegre, ne?! Que bom que falamos pelo telefone e agora vamos colocar videos e fotos pra vcs verem os pequenos. Obrigada pelos presentes e obrigada principalmente por pensar em nossas durante as festas de Natal.
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Six Flags.
Abram and I went to Six Flags last
weekend. Yes, just the two of us! We had a wonderful time and the park was beautiful with all the lights. And, guess what??? While we were there we upgraded our tickets to season passes!!!! Uh huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!!!!
Bianca and Thomas had a wonderful evening, too. They stayed with Jessica and, again, had a great time.
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
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