Friday, February 20, 2009

Little Birdie at the Window

New pictures with Pepe.

Thomas plays his Leap Frog (he is GREAT at it!).
By the way, Thomas is just so cute. He has been saying his ABCs for a while now, maybe for 2 or 3 months. He will look at random words and spell them. Also, he seems to like counting from 10 backwards. It is very cute. The boy is growing. =o)
Our corn cake.

Felipe pouring the cake batter.

Poor Felipe hehehe.

Taking his well deserved break. =o)

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Felipe's best friend.

Bianca's ABCs.

Felipe shows us his moves.

This is me, as Little Mermaid, by Felipe. hahaha

Brownie is gone. =o(

Well, this is a happy and sad post.

Today we found out that Brownie had a microchip and in a few hours he was reunited with his owner.

We are happy that he is back home, but we are sad that he is gone. We already miss him a lot.

His name is Sir Lancelot, by the way.


Pois entao, por fim o Brownie tinha um microchip instalado, de forma que seu dono foi contactado e em poucas horas eles ja se reencontraram.

Que bom que ele voltou pra casa, mas nos temos muitas saudades.

O nome dele e Sir Lancelot, a proposito.

Happy Valentine's Day!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

What do you like???

Meatball madness /// Porpetones.

Introducing Mr. Brownie.

On Saturday we looked out the window and saw this 'little' guy.

We brought him inside under the agreement we would try to find his family and, if not, take him to the Humane Society. Next thing you know, we have a new family member. haha At least until, and if, somebody calls. =o)

He is very cute, very gentle with the kids, yes, a little big, but he is getting along just fine with Yolk. He loves laying on pillows, blankets or rugs and he can bark really loud.

We thought of names like Coconut, Cocoa, Nutmeg and Clay, but Brownie was the first name we called him, so this is his name for us.

Sunday, February 08, 2009

Happy Birthday GrandMona & Tia Bruna!!!!

A big kiss and hug with lots of love from all of us!

Wednesday, February 04, 2009

My beautiful homemade Little Mermaid.

Hi everybody!

Sitio do Picapau Amarelo.

A Bianca diz que e a Narizinho, com a tiara vermelha. =o)

Valeu, Tio Gui, pela indicacao da radio!
