Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Thomas x Dora ... Who gets the bottle?

Aren't you proud?

Bianca showed me her new trick today. Don't ask where she learned it. I have just no idea. Then, later, while showing it to Abram, she wanted me to do it, I kept saying 'no, no'. Then she asks me: "Red? Green?" Thinking that maybe I just wanted a different color. huahauhuahua Oh boy!

Monday, September 10, 2007

Grandparent's Day.

This is a special post, to send a mega kiss to our Grandparents here in the US.
It was GP day here yesterday and we want to say we love all of you very much.
Thanks for everything and, one more time... we wish we could see everybody often. Or, at least more often. =o)
Bianca & Thomas.

Tia Adélia.

Tia Adélia,

Sabemos que a senhora está feliz agora, juntamente com Deus, seu marido e suas irmãs.
Dá um abraço bem apertado na Vó Helena por nós.
Com muitas saudades, amor e carinho,
Tatiana, Abram, Bianca e Thomas.


Tuesday, September 04, 2007

More pictures.

Essa é a história da serpente ....

Here Bianca and Thomas dancing to the CD called "Sítio do Seu Lobato" given to Bianca by Aunt Regiane's Aunt. They absolutely love it! Muuuuito obrigada =o)


Delicious coconut and chocolate cake made by Mommy and Daddy.
Renatha, come back soon! =o)

Hi everyone. It has been so long since we last posted.
We have been very busy. Last month it was my Mom, my Dad and my Uncle Tony´s birthday.
Lots to celebrate! We had a super cool party for Daddy, luau style! (above is mommy preparing the watermellon. more pics soon!). For my Mom, the celebrations are still happening! We went to this new place in Fort Worth, it is like the beach. It is like a lake with sand around it. Super cool. (http://www.burgerslake.com/) And we will go to a new place here next Saturday, it is like a city inside the city! Very beautiful. With lots of shops and restaurants, movie theatre, etc. It is called ..... hehehe I forgot now! My Dad, again, made a treasure hunt for my Mom. He gave her a water camera and a blender (she really wanted it). It was not easy (I mean it!) to find the gifts. With about ten clues all over the place, including the bottom of the pool and a bench at the park! Oh boy!!!!!!!!!!!!! =oD Also, my Mom and Dad have been married now for 4 years. They got married on Mom's birthday =o) For Uncle Tonny, well we could not be there, but Bianca made a beautiful card for him, which he can sell on ebay for big bucks when she is a famous artist hahahahahah.
My Mom's former boss Diogo has a daughter named Renatha. We didn't know her, but she was here in August for training with her new company, and we got to meet her. We L.O.V.E.D her! Had such a great time! Please come back soon! =o)
Some pictures now.

Have a wonderful day and happy birthday everybody!
