Monday, May 05, 2008

We are back!

Hello everyone!

We are happy to say that after a long time away from blogging, we are finally back.

Bianca will be 3 in a few days and Thomas is now 19 months old.

They are both so much fun! Bianca says a lot of different things and is very, very funny. She started gymnastic classes about two months ago and she loves it so much. Just like me! Up until about 2 weeks ago either Abram or myself had to go through her routine with her, the toddler class, now, that she is 3 (or almost) she graduated and can do things on her own. It is a dream to see her there. She asks almost everyday about going to her class. She knows it is on Saturdays, but she is always talking about it (or her 'jump class' as she says).

Thomas is the cutest and funniest little boy. He loves playing in the backyard, loves going to the park (hates to leave =o/), loves walking in the frontyard to the neighbor's house (more like running now), loves eating pasta, counting (he can count up to 10!!! Can you believe it? I mean, you may not undertand all the numbers, but I do hehe), he can almost jump and he loves playing with the blocks. Got his 3rd haircut last weekend and looks very handsome.

Well, I guess that is it for now. Just a little update on what is going on with them.

We will have more and pictures later.

Hope everyone is doing very well.

Have a wonderful week,

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