Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Visit from Tia Vanessa.

Altough quick, the visit from Tia Vanessa on Monday was great. What fun we had with her.
Unbelievebly we had time to visit a few places and do a few things around the house.
Thank you for the gifts and thank you so very much for coming see us.

Here is a (very) shy Thomas when he first saw her. Look at the flower. hehehe
Still shy ...
Now I am ok, he says hehe.


Anonymous said...

olhaa a garthener, a bibi tá ficando igual a tiia, mesma camiseta! haha

Anonymous said...

Apesar de muito rapido, foi otimo ver voces ... Gostaria de estar mais perto e poder aproveitar bem mais os sobrinhos mais lindos do mundo ..
Obrigada pelo carinho por toda atencao.
Amo voces!
