Monday, November 29, 2010

Today Bianca read to the principal.

She wrote a little book (I think this is her third) and she (and a
classmate) were sent to read their books to the principal. She was
very happy about it :-)

Hoje a Bianca escreveu um livro na escola (o segundo ou terceiro já),
e ela e uma amiga foram mandadas à Diretoria para ler os livros delas
para a Diretora :-) Ela estava muito contente!


Tia Vanessa said...

Congratulation Bianca!
Very very good .. I can not wait for you to read for me.
Love you.

vopair said...

parabens Bianca....

vobene said...

Bianca aqui e a vobene.....estou very happy with you....grande escritora....hwhwhwhwhw...parabens...
