Saturday, May 28, 2011

The Pool is Officially Open!

Today we all went in the pool for the first time of the season.  Was really nice, and not too cold.  The weather is perfect, mid-90's, and should be this way all week, so we'll be having lots of pool action I'm sure.

Bianca just had her kindergarten graduation on Friday, that was really special, they put on a little program of singing and dancing... Very fun.  So now she just has one week left until she's officially out for the summer!

Summer, bring it on!

- Abram


Vopair,Bene Bru,Silvia,etc said...

Ah....que delicia...quem sabe estaremos ai...hein!

Bárbara Bruna said...

Ah que vontade de dar um mergulho :D
Ok, quando estiver ai nada de piscina mas as corridas estão de pé :D
bjos, amo vcs :***
